Featured Works

Heal Spell (2022); jazz hymn, 3′ [Spotify] [YouTube]

Future Underground (2022); electroacoustic funk, 9′ [Spotify]

NEW ATLANTIS (2023), progressive lofi, 3′ [Spotify]

Music About Music (2019); orchestra + narrator, 5′ [YouTube]

Renderer (2022); percussion + video projection, 16′ [YouTube]


July 1: performance of five arrangements (Lviv, Passacaglia, Nikita’s Dream, Suffering, Desert of Catanga) by Lars Danielsson and the Chamber Jazz Consort at Het Concertgebouw (Amsterdam) [Arranger]

June 30: performance of five arrangements (Lviv, Passacaglia, Nikita’s Dream, Suffering, Desert of Catanga) by Lars Danielsson and the Chamber Jazz Consort at Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel (Brussels) [Arranger]

May 1: premiere of A DELICATE APPROACH to human connection by the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra at The Cotton Factory as part of their Intimate & Immersive Series (Hamilton) [Composer]

April 26-27: Din of Shadows presents Museum of Quiet Sounds, once on April 26th and twice on April 27th at The Music Gallery (Toronto) [Artistic Director]

January 1: self-titled album release by Utopias (online) [Co-Composer]


October 22: broadcast of To Forever on Sublime FM’s Dutch Jazz program with Bart Wirtz and Rolf Delfos (Amsterdam) [Composer]

October 8: performances of Heal Spell, Hydra, Perpetual Motion Machine, and To Forever by Edson Ensemble at NMF Kamermuziekfestival (Rotterdam) [Composer]

September 2: performance of The Beholder with Kayla Jeanson (choreographer, dancer) and Chrystal Tam (dancer) at the Pia Bouman School for Ballet and Creative Movement as part of DaCo (Toronto) [Composer, Guitarist]

August 12: performance with Human Magic at Junction Street Festival (Toronto) [Guitarist]

June 30: album release of Hydra by Edson Ensemble (online) [Composer of tracks 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8]

June 11-18: six performances of Games I Don’t Want to Play with Michegas Theatre at the Montreal Fringe Festival (Montreal) [Co-Composer, Performer]

May 18: performance of Games I Don’t Want to Play with Michegas Theatre at the Canadian Music Centre (Toronto) [Co-Composer, Performer]

May 2: performance of Renderer by Jonny Smith at SpokenWeb Symposium 2023 (Edmonton) [Composer]

March 25: performance with Human Magic at 3030 Dundas West (Toronto) [Guitarist]

January 28: premiere of Renderer by Jonny Smith at Arraymusic (Toronto) [Composer]


November 12: performance with Human Magic at The Garrison (Toronto) [Guitarist]

October 1: premieres of Perpetual Motion Machine and To Forever by Edson Ensemble at Zuiderkerk (Enkhuizen, NL) [Composer]

June 24: performance with Nick Price opening for Jake Sherman at a private event (Toronto) [Guitarist]

June 18: Din of Shadows presents Din of Shadows VI: Mortal Chorus at The Music Gallery (Toronto) [Artistic Director, Creator]

June 8: premiere of Heal Spell by The Artist Collective at the Troy Sale Barn (Troy, PA) [Composer]

March 1-31: din v: social media miniatures on InstagramTikTok, and YouTube, presented by Din of Shadows (Toronto) [Artistic Director]

March 19: performance with Human Magic at The Horseshoe Tavern (Toronto) [Guitarist]
